In the Hypergeometrical Universe Theory, particles are coherences between stationary (traveling at the speed of light) deformation states of the local metric. The fundamental coherence is called Fundamental Dilator.
That means that they create a displacement volume on the local metric (corresponding to each state). As the coherence moves from one state to another, waves (dilaton field) are created. This is not different from the now famous Gravitational Waves associated with the collision of Black Holes. The distinction is that in my theory, those waves are really a low frequency modulation on a much faster (shorter wavelength) dilaton field carrier.
The geometrical figures presented in the repository are the top view (from the 4th Spatial Dimension) of different particles.
In the case of a neutron, composed of two fundamental dilators moieties, the top view is a segment.
Three for the pion minus/plus, the top view is an equilateral triangle.
Five for the delta minus/plus, the top view is regular pentagon.
Seven for the Kaon minus/plus, the top view is a regular heptagon.
Eleven for the Xis minus/plus, the top view is a regular undecagon.
Thirteen for the Omega minus/plus, the top view is a tridecagon...:)
How to collaborate:
Go to this repository, branch it and start discovering how the Universe works. This repository works using Mathematica.
The reason for f2 is because the Polygon function yields nothing for n=2 (neutron).
TODO list:
Create the function to create the balls diagram for any hyperon
idem for any isotope
Create the function to calculate the transmutation cords (actual phase shifts associated with and electron rotation in 3D and a proton rotation in 3D). One phase shift can be calculated directly from neutron parameters, the other from the Pion Minus/Plus.
Use the transmutation chord to model pions
Use radius of spinning to fit all the other pions.
The fitting of all pions should be doable with the two transmutation chords (phase shifts) and the radius of spinning of each particle, plus relativistic considerations resulting from the spinning.
From these parameters a tension (mismatch between tunneling and spinning) measure will result. One should be able to map this tension to lifetimes. The higher the tension, the largest the lifetime (probably, inversely proportional).
Once all parameters are calculated, one should be able to reproduce new hyperons and predict stability islands on the periodic table as well as the best path to create this new superdense matter.