- To: @neiltyson
Message body
Dear Dr. Tyson,
I created a theory and would like the opportunity to defend it and receive criticism. A good way to do that is to present it in an academic setting.
I am not a scientist anymore and since my theory has a broad scope, it requires similarly broad list of arguments to support it. The resulting paper is unyielding. I cannot publish it piecewise due to the fact that I am not paid to do that.
Despite of that, I believe that ideas are important and my idea is simple, very basic but it seems to work better in explaining the Universe than the current main scientific perspective.
I reached out to many scientists and didn’t see any interest in them for championing my ideas (I just wanted to have it available in the Arxives such that people could built upon it). They didn’t seem to have any argument against the theory either.
The theory challenges everything, so it is a hot potato. That said, I hope you will give it an honest try and see if it can hold on its own. I believe the idea will defend itself quite well and I will be happy to give a talk on it (while I remember it).
I made a case for it, published the theory in a book.
You can see the case here.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
PS. Needless to say, I am not interested in making money by spreading ignorance - that is why I asked for criticism - preferably written criticism such that other scientists can see it and offer counter-arguments. Anything I say has no weight since I don’t work in the field. And words evaporate in the air… are inconsequential.
My audience in that book are only a few who would be able to understand it. I believe that the theory should be seen and discussed.