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12 years ago
Henna has left a new comment on your post "The Stroboscopic Universe":
Would it be possible to observe outside our "Frequency" and what would we see there? Different laws of physics perhaps? Chaos?
Henry asked this interesting question!
The answer relates to the Ghostly Neutrinos. Most of the particles have multiples of the Fundamental Dilator in it. This means that the mean frequency of the outgoing dilaton field is the Fundamental Dilator Frequency.
For example, the four fundamental particles (electron, proton, antielectron and antiproton) are just different phases of the same Fundamental Dilator coherence. The states involved are shown below:Neutron contains also a transmutation chord. The transmutation chord corresponds to a half-electron-antineutrino. Within the coherence, the half-antineutrino corresponds to a rotation within the 3D hyperspherical Universe (as opposed to the more normal spinning -tumbling around within the 4D spatial manifold). That section of the coherence changes the phase relationship between spinning and tunneling between local metric deformational states, and thus changes which phase is in phase with the 3D lightspeed expanding Hyperspherical Universe.
When a neutron decays, it releases an antineutrino, which corresponds to a two-dimensional deformational coherence.
The involved levels for the neutrino are (2/3,-1/3,2/3) and (2/3,2/3,-1/3). The levels involved in the fundamental dilator are (2/3,2/3,-1/3) and (0,-2/3,-1/3).
These levels corresponds to two different frequencies. The difference in frequency means that interaction will be vanishingly small due to the averaging of two cosines of different frequencies go to zero. This also means that interaction will only occurs at very close range.
So in my theory, the result of having particles that creates dilaton fields of different frequencies yield the so called Ghostly Particles or non-interacting particles.
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